Sunday, April 17, 2011

Random Thoughts001

Ok so I've been sitting here; thinking. I always dread the thoughts of  "should I continue on posting for my blog?". I mean I have 3 followers (which I'm highly thankful for) and yes, sometimes people comment on my posts but does anyone actually care?

Yes, someone does care; me. Even if no one ever looked at my blog, I shouldn't care, and I won't. I made this blog for me, to express my thoughts, feelings, and passion for the fashion industry. If no one else cares, at least I know that I do.

I've always loved writing, and I made the decision to put my writing on the internet for the world to see. They can look, they can like, or they can care less, but I'm satisfied.

When I look and see the followers or the comments I do have, I smile, and they're just more logs to help fuel my fire of motivation and to continue writing. helped me to realize this. I was reading through her posts and came across the one about "how did she get so many followers". And what she said made sense. I could go out and advertise my blog so people "HAVE" to look at it or I could sit back and continue to do what I love and let others find what means the most to me. And that would be so much more rewarding.

So that just so happened to inspire me && I'm going to continue on and not worry about who's reading or looking but knowing and feeling that I've accomplished something. The world has billions of people! And I know that someone out there is reading this, even if it is


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